Little Red Riding Hood part 4 (Ukrainian)

Part 4 text
Part 4 audio

Part 4 Video

Part 4 Quizlet

Notes on the text

1 "Трохи далі в лісі, з чверть годинки ходи звідсіль." can be broken down into its grammatical parts as follows:

**Трохи** - Part of Speech: Adverb - Meaning: "A little" or "somewhat" 
**далі** - Part of Speech: Adverb - Meaning: "Further" or "further along" 
**в** - Part of Speech: Preposition - Meaning: "In"
**лісі** - Part of Speech: Noun (in locative case) - Meaning: "The forest" (locative form of "ліс") 
**з** - Part of Speech: Preposition - Meaning: "From" 
**чверть** - Part of Speech: Noun - Meaning: "Quarter"
**годинки** - Part of Speech: Noun (in genitive case)  - Meaning: "Of an hour" (diminutive form of "година")
**ходи** - Part of Speech: Noun (imperative verb form) - Meaning: "Walk" or "going" (from the verb "ходити") 
**звідсіль** - Part of Speech: Adverb - Meaning: "From here" or "from this place" 

The noun "ліс" (forest) can take on different case forms in Ukrainian. Here are the main grammatical cases for the noun "ліс," along with examples for each case:
**Nominative (Називний)** – This is the base form of the noun, used for the subject of a sentence. - Example: **Ліс зелений.** (The forest is green.)
**Genitive (Родовий)** – This form indicates possession or absence. - Example: **У лісі багато грибів.** (There are many mushrooms in the forest.) - Here, "лісу" (of the forest) is in the genitive case.
**Dative (Давальний)** – This form indicates the indirect object (to whom or for whom something is done). - Example: **Я даю книгу лісу.** (I give the book to the forest.) - In this case, "лісу" is in the dative case.
**Accusative (Знахідний)** – This form indicates the direct object of the action. - Example: **Я люблю ліс.** (I love the forest.) - Here, "ліс" is in the accusative case. Notice that the form is the same as the nominative for inanimate nouns.
**Instrumental (Орудний)** – This form indicates the means by which the action is performed. - Example: **Я йду через лісом.** (I am walking through the forest.) - "лісом" is in the instrumental case, indicating the means of moving.
**Locative (Місцевий)** – This form indicates a location and is used with prepositions. - Example: **В лісі багато тварин.** (There are many animals in the forest.) - "лісі" is in the locative case, used after the preposition "в" (in).
Here’s a summary of the grammatical cases for "ліс":
- Nominative: ліс
- Genitive: лісу
- Dative: лісу
- Accusative: ліс
- Instrumental: лісом
- Locative: лісі

In Ukrainian, the declension of masculine nouns can indeed vary based on whether the noun is animate or inanimate. This distinction is particularly evident in the accusative and genitive cases.
Animate vs. Inanimate Nouns:
**Animate Masculine Nouns**:
- For animate masculine nouns (like "друг" - friend or "син" - son), the accusative case forms are identical to the genitive case.
- Example:
- **друг** (friend) - Genitive: друга - Accusative: друга (same as genitive)
- **син** (son) - Genitive: сина - Accusative: сина (same as genitive)
**Inanimate Masculine Nouns**:
- For inanimate masculine nouns (like "ліс" - forest or "стіл" - table), the accusative case forms are the same as the nominative case.
- Example:
- **ліс** (forest) - Genitive: лісу - Accusative: ліс (same as nominative)
- **стіл** (table) - Genitive: столу - Accusative: стіл (same as nominative)

2 Там під трьома великими дубами стоїть її хатка, а кругом хатки ліщина.

**Там** - This is an adverb meaning "there". It specifies the location where the action takes place.
**під трьома великими дубами** - This phrase can be divided further:
   - **під** - A preposition meaning "under".
   - **трьома** - This is the instrumental plural form of the numeral "три" (three). It indicates the amount and agrees in case with "дубами".
   - **великими** - This is the instrumental plural form of the adjective "великий" (big/great). It agrees in case, number, and gender with "дубами".
   - **дубами** - This is the instrumental plural form of "дуб" (oak). The instrumental case is used here because it follows the preposition "під".

**стоя́ть** - This is the verb "to stand". In this context, it is in the present tense, third-person singular.
**її** - This is a possessive pronoun meaning "her". It indicates ownership of the noun that follows.
**хатка** - This is a noun meaning "little house" or "cottage". It is in the nominative singular form and acts as the subject of the verb "стоять".
Now putting this part together, we have:
- "Там під трьома великими дубами стоїть її хатка" translates to "There, under the three big oaks, stands her little house."

**а** - This is a conjunction meaning "and" or "but". It indicates a contrast or a joining of two related ideas.
**кругом хатки** - Similarly, we can break this down:
- **кругом** - This is a preposition meaning "around".
- **хатки** - This is the genitive singular form of "хатка", used here to indicate the area that surrounds the cottage.
So this phrase translates to "around the little house".

**ліщина** - This is a noun meaning "hazel" (the plant). It is in the nominative singular form, serving as the subject of the second part of the sentence.
Now combining the second part:
- "а кругом хатки ліщина" translates to "and around the little house, there is hazel".

Putting it all together, the whole sentence:
"Там під трьома великими дубами стоїть її хатка, а кругом хатки ліщина."
translates to:
"There, under the three big oaks, stands her little house, and around the little house, there is hazel."

3 А вовк собі й подумав: добрий обідець був би з цього дівчатка.

The sentence "А вовк собі й подумав: добрий обідець був би з цього дівчатка." in its grammatical components:
А - conjunction (particle), meaning "and" or "but" (often used to introduce a contrast).
вовк - noun (subject), meaning "wolf." It is in the nominative case, singular.
собі - reflexive pronoun, meaning "to himself." It's used here to emphasize that the wolf is thinking for himself.
й - conjunction (particle), meaning "and." It's a colloquial version of "і."
подумав - verb (past tense), meaning "thought." It is in the past tense, singular, and masculine form.
добрий - adjective, meaning "good." It is in the nominative case, singular, and agrees with the noun it modifies (in this case, "обідець").
обідець - noun, meaning "lunch" or "meal." It is in the nominative case, singular.
був би - verb phrase (conditional), meaning "would be." "був" is the past tense of "to be" in masculine form, and "би" is a particle used to form the conditional mood.
з - preposition, meaning "from" or "with."
цього - demonstrative pronoun, meaning "this." It is in the genitive case, singular, masculine (indicating possession or origin).
дівчатка - noun, meaning "girl." In this context, it is used in the genitive case to indicate that the "girl" is the source of the potential meal.

NB – дівчатка is the genitive form for дівчатко which is a diminutive form for дівчинка.

- собі подумав
The verb "подумав" (to think) is a past tense form of the verb "подумати" in the masculine singular. In Ukrainian, verbs change form depending on the gender and number of the subject. Here is the conjugation of "подумати собі" in the past tense for all personal pronouns:
я (I) - собі подумав (masculine) / собі подумала (feminine)
ти (you, singular) - собі подумав (masculine) / собі подумала (feminine)
він (he) – собі подумав
вона (she) – собі подумала
воно (it) - собі подумало (neuter)
ми (we) - собі подумали (plural)
ви (you, plural/formal) - собі подумали (plural)
вони (they) - собі подумали (plural)

- був би
Masculine: був би (he would be)
Feminine: була б (she would be)
Neuter: було б (it would be)
Plural: були б (they would be)

- добрий обідець
Good breakfast: добрий сніданок
Good dinner: добра вечеря
Good snack: смачна перекуска (or добра перекуска)
Good food: смачна їжа (or добра їжа)

4 Воно, певне, смачніше, ніж стара бабуся.

Воно - This is a pronoun that means "it" in the neuter form. In Ukrainian, pronouns must agree with the gender and number of the nouns they replace.
певне - This is an adjective meaning "certain" or "sure." It is in the neuter form, which agrees with the neuter pronoun "воно."
смачніше (smachnishe) - This is the comparative form of the adjective "смачний" (smachny), which means "tasty." The comparative form indicates a comparison, meaning "tastier" or "more tasty." Its neuter form agrees with "воно."
ніж (nizh) - This is a conjunction that translates to "than" in English. It is used to introduce the second part of the comparison.
стара (stara) - This is an adjective meaning "old" or "grandmother" in the feminine form. It modifies the noun that follows it.
бабуся (babusiya) - This is a noun meaning "grandmother." It is in the nominative case, singular, and is feminine.

- смачніше

He, surely, is tastier than the old grandad. - Він, певне, смачніший, ніж старий дідусь.
*смачніший* (smachnishyi) - tastier 
*ніж* (nizh) - than 
*старий* (staryi) - old 
*дідусь* (didus) - grandad

She, surely, is tastier than the old aunt. - Вона, певне, смачніша, ніж стара тітка.
*смачніша* (smachnisha) - tastier 
*ніж* (nizh) - than 
*стара* (stara) - old 
*тітка* (titka) - aunt

5 Але треба добре поміркувати, щоб обох запопасти.

**Але** - This is a conjunction meaning "but." It introduces a contrast or exception to a previous statement.
**треба** - This is a verb that means "it is necessary" or "one needs." It is an impersonal verb used with a noun or infinitive.
**добре** - This is an adverb meaning "well" or "carefully." It modifies the verb "поміркувати."
**поміркувати** - This is an infinitive verb meaning "to think" or "to reflect." It is the action that requires careful consideration.
**щоб** - This is a conjunction meaning "in order to." It introduces a purpose clause.
**обох** - This is a pronoun in the accusative case meaning "both." It refers to two individuals or entities.
**запопасти (zapopasty)** - This is an infinitive verb meaning "to catch" or "to trap." In this context, it implies the action of successfully catching both subjects mentioned earlier.

- поміркувати
The root of the Ukrainian verb "поміркувати" is "мірку-", which comes from the word "міркування" (thinking, consideration, or contemplation).
Я поміркую
Ти поміркуєш
Він/Вона/Воно поміркує
Ми поміркуємо
Ви поміркуєте
Вони поміркують

- запопасти
The root of the Ukrainian verb "запопасти" is "попасти," which can be translated as "to get," "to fall," or "to end up." The prefix "за-" in "запопасти" adds a nuance of achieving something or getting something in a specific way.
Я запопаду
Ти запопадеш
Він/Вона/Воно запопаде
Ми запопадемо
Ви запопадете
Вони запопадуть

- … треба … , щоб …
Here are some examples using the structure "… треба … , щоб …" in Ukrainian:
Мені треба вчитися, щоб скласти іспит. - I need to study in order to pass the exam.
Тобі треба більше відпочивати, щоб бути продуктивним. - You need to rest more in order to be productive.
Їй треба зібрати документи, щоб подати заяву. - She needs to gather the documents in order to submit the application.
Нам треба купити хліб, щоб приготувати вечерю. - We need to buy bread in order to make dinner.
Вашій команді треба тренуватися частіше, щоб виграти турнір. - Your team needs to practice more often in order to win the tournament.

6 Він трохи пройшовся поруч із Червоною Шапочкою, а тоді й каже: - Червона Шапочко, а подивись-но, які гарні квіточки ростуть навколо.

- пройшовся - Here’s the verb "пройтися" (to walk) conjugated in the past tense for different pronouns in Ukrainian:
**Я пройшовся** - I walked (for males) / **Я пройшлася** - I walked (for females)
**Ти пройшовся** - You walked (informal, for males) / **Ти пройшлася** - You walked (informal, for females)
**Він пройшовся** - He walked
**Вона пройшлася** - She walked
**Ми пройшлися** - We walked (for both males and females)
**Ви пройшлися** - You walked (formal or plural, for both males and females)
**Вони пройшлися** - They walked (for both males and females)

- поруч із Червоною Шапочкою
Here are some examples using objects in various genders:
**Поруч із зайцем** - Alongside the hare (masculine)
**Поруч із книгою** - Alongside the book (feminine)
**Поруч із столом** - Alongside the table (masculine)
**Поруч із лялькою** - Alongside the doll (feminine)
**Поруч із автомобілем** - Alongside the car (masculine)
**Поруч із кошицею** - Alongside the cat (feminine) – кошиця - kitty

- каже In the present tense, the verb **"казати"** (to say) is conjugated as follows:
Я кажу (I say)
Ти кажеш (You say - singular informal)
Він/Вона/Воно каже (He/She/It says)
Ми кажемо (We say)
Ви кажете (You say - plural/formal)
Вони кажуть (They say)

- подивись-но
"подивись" is the imperative form of the verb "подивитися," which means "to look" or "to watch."
- які гарні квіточки
**Які гарні дерева.** (What beautiful trees.)
**Які гарні книги.** (What beautiful books.)
**Які гарні картини.** (What beautiful paintings.)
**Які гарні пейзажі.** (What beautiful landscapes.)
**Які гарні звірі.** (What beautiful animals.)
**Які гарні музиканти.** (What beautiful musicians.)
**Які гарні містечка.** (What beautiful towns.)
- ростуть
The verb "рости" in Ukrainian means "to grow." Here is its conjugation in the present tense for all personal pronouns:
я росту (I grow)
ти ростеш (you grow - singular, informal)
він/вона/воно росте (he/she/it grows)
ми ростемо (we grow)
ви ростете (you grow - plural or formal)
вони ростуть (they grow)
- навколо - around