FACTWorld Journal 16
This is issue 16 of the FACTWorld Journal, Winter 2015.
We took the focus for this journal as teaching science to young and very young learners of English.
This is an attempt to engage more with primary teachers and pre-school teachers bringing content into their classrooms.
There will be other journals with a younger learner focus. Just let us know what you are interested in and we'll create a journal for you.
A link to the pdf of the Journal is given at the foot of this page.
One of the projects we have underway at
Anglia School is a series of science investigations. The investigations follow our themed curriculum and take place in our juniors groups. Mark Bowering has been preparing and delivering the investigations and writes up one of the investigations in Journal 16.
Implementing Science investigations is linked with use of the wonderful
www.tigtagworld.co.uk website. We've been making use of the videos on the site and developing the investigations from the film concepts and themes.
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It seemed only natural to include an investigation from Science Across the World in this journal for young learners and 'Plants in our lives' is a very enganging Science project to carry out with children. You'll find the entire pack of resources here. Don't forget, though, to take a look at
ASE website for more resources from this programme.
Nina Tsvetkova reports on a project to do with use of technology in education, clearly an important issue in all education, not least education for young learners. Stoyan Faldjiyski with 'Tales from the invisible web of life' describes a project which places science education for young learners firmly in the world around them.
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Stefka Kitanova gives a lesson on feathers, explored in all their splendid glory, for the science classroom and an essay on the need for adopting a cyclical relationship to life, consumption, rubbish and recycling brings the Journal to a close.
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As always, we're extremely grateful to contributing sponsors and partners who help us bring out these materials for teachers, namely the British Council in Bulgaria and TigTag.