Bulgaria - FACT Journals Issue 29
This wonderful collection of preprimary materials focuses on two themes: Autumn Forests and Animals and Culture. The themes were part of the lesson observation carried out by two groups of visitors to Anglia School in November and December 2022. What you see here are the session notes and materials
from the lessons observed along with the brainstorm of additional activities and materials by the groups of visitors.
Again, Erasmus+ provided the means for us all to get together to share ideas and experiences. In the first instance this was teaching ideas, but let’s not forget that the colleagues also got the amazing opportunity to visit Plovdiv and Bulgaria. In doing this, we gave the teachers all manner of sense experiences with the sounds, sights, smells, flavours and touch of Bulgarian life, culture and language.
There is also a lovely two-page spread from our partner school Colegio Maria Madre Rosa Molas, Zaragoza.
Their invitation for school links is there for all to see. Get in touch!
The structure of the content in this publication follows the structure of the week-long visits of our colleagues from Spain. Additionally, you will find brainstorm sections where we explore the themes further following pedagogical principles.
The first theme is Forest Animals and the second theme is Cultural Awareness and for both of these themes you will find the session notes from the lessons visited by our colleagues.
It was a full, satisfying couple of weeks which sped by as fast as they always do, but we hope that this collection which has been printed to give personal copies to our visitors, will also provide other teachers with lots of ideas by sharing the pdf which you can find on www.factworld.info.
Many thanks to all involved, to the teachers for their input, to Diana for hosting our visitors and to Stefka for making sure it all fits together well and tidily. As usual, I put everything together, checked and proofread everything, so any errors you find are entirely down to me.
Please share!
Keith (02.03.23)
Download FACT Journal 29