Bulgaria - FACT Journals Issue 28

This collection of primary resources is the combined work of two groups of Erasmus+ teachers who came to our course ‘Putting CLIL Into Practice’ in October and November 2022 (French and Italian group 17.10.22 - 21.10.22 and Italian and Spanish group 31.10.22 - 04.11.22).

Both groups had a similar teaching profile and they came in close succession, so it made sense to collate their work into this jam-packed publication!
The focus was a free choice for these groups with an invitation to develop resources immediately usable back home in their teaching contexts.

As the rugby world cup was under way while we worked with the first group, it is no surprise that gender equality was chosen as a focus for one group’s resources. A second group wanted to develop Maths CLIL materials and chose number bonds to 10. Lastly, there is a schema for developing a science topic with an accent on recycling. Our second group of teachers included teachers at the upper end of nursery and lower end of primary, and they chose the topic of relationships to develop resources. The other two mini groups of colleagues both chose Science, the digestive system and vertebrates for their materials work.

But it wasn’t all about teaching methodology and materials! As you know Erasmus+ is about cultural experiences, the language, it’s about the flavours, the sounds, the sights and engaging with all that is Bulgarian. I hope we managed to provide these experiences for these dear colleagues through our dancing and music (thank you to Martin at the Plovdiv cultural centre!), through our cooking (yes, we made banitsa!) and the special Bulgarian tastes that the colleagues experienced every day and through the visits to the unique historical and cultural sights that the city of Plovdiv offers. Needless to say, we worked hard, AND our visitors fell in love with Bulgaria! We hope they come back to visit us again soon! Enjoy and share please,
Plovdiv, 27.11.22

PS – as usual, I did all the editing and proofing (with Stefka’s trusty help) and so while all the credit should go to our colleagues for their work, any mistakes you find are entirely mine.

Download FACT Journal 28