Article 04: Bilingual Geography
4 Bilingual Geography
What do German students think about geography lessons in English?
GEOGRAPHY, VOLUME 89 (3), 2004, PAGES 274-277
available from:
The Geographical Association
(March 23rd 2010)
It's always good to read positive feedback about this approach, though it is a selective piece of research. I wonder what the survey would show if it were carried out among all the kids in the Asturias CLIL network of regular comprehensive schools!!! I suspect it would still be positive. The conclusions give a very positive opinion from the students about their studying Geography through the medium of English. This is put down to a number of possible factors, difference in group size, the novelty of learning through another language, native speaker teacher, the extra challenge of learning bilingually.
I found this
link to Dr Meyer at the University of Trier Department of Geography.