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Integrated Learning

What is CLIL?
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Teaching Science through CLIL in Cyprus Pre-Primary Education

Teaching Science through CLIL in Cyprus Pre-Primary Education

This is an event which follows on from a number of activities in partnership with the CLIL Coordination Centre at the Ministry of Education in Cyprus and the Pedagogical Institute, Nicosia.
This work all began in Plovdiv with visits from Ministry Experts, Inspectors and Trainers to se...

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Express Winter School 2025, Lviv, Ukraine

I spent three days in Lviv, Ukraine this week for a two-day Winter School event supported by Express Publishing (many thanks to them), and organized by Natalia Liashko and with contribution from Natalia Zachynska.
I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks to both for their organization, commitment and dedication to bringing opportunities like this to the t...

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Putting CLIL into Practice - Jubilee Year!

Help us Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the FACT Journal!

Kaleidoscope CLIL around Europe
Celebratory workshop for the 25th jubilee year of the FACT Journal and 32nd of AEDE-BG.
When: May 10th and 11th, 2025
Where: Anglia School, 31 Bogomil St, Plovdiv, 4000, Bulgaria
Partners: Anglia School, AEDE – BG Section and FACT.
The wor...

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Bulgaria - FACT Journals Issue 38

It's a great pleasure to be able to share this edition of the FACT Journal, FACT 38. 
I've met some people from Ukraine recently who have made an impression on me that I won't forget.
One such person, is Natalia Liashko who was part of an online event I spoke at for teachers in Ukraine.
Natalia and I spoke of possible opportunities of offering CL...

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Bulgaria - FACT Journals Issue 37

Welcome to another bumper issue of FACT.
Contributions from a wide range of subject areas this issue include a Bulgarian-language piece - Материи и мистерии на любовта (Materials and the Mysteries of Love) - a lesson combining the love poetry of Robert Burns with sex education.
There is a second Bulgarian piece - Енергийни напитки ли? - with a survey...

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